Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Toot Toot.

I have been going to the gym for MONTHS and I usually walk on the treadmill... for my "cardio/fat burning" stuff.  I go at a decent clip... about 4 miles per hour.  Uphill... to pump up the calorie loss.  Every now and again, I will try to jog - for a quarter/half mile.  I am totally scared that I will have a heart attack or a stroke, so I stop.
I ran (jogged) an entire mile in 10 minutes and 30 seconds.  That's almost 6 miles per hour.  Best part - no stroke.  No heart attack.  (My pulse got all the way up to 167 bpm - and I totally survived!!)  I didn't even feel horrible.  I am almost excited to go tomorrow and jog again!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 20 - Can That Be True?

I'm always off-schedule for posting these days.  Every other weekend I work 12-hour shifts on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  They start eeaarrrllly in the morning and really knock me on my backside.  But that is no excuse for not getting a post done.  This week I lost 1.5 pounds.

I have a friend at work that eats so extremely healthy.  She has become my example of late.  She does all those things you're supposed to do to get your family to eat their fruits and vegetables.  She purees carrots for her spaghetti sauce and makes spinach smoothies to go with dinner every night, and all those admirable things.  She has a big garden and snacks all day long on things like sliced cucumbers and carrot sticks.  Keep in mind that this woman works full-time, home schools her kids in a kind of co-op thing, and writes and directs community theater among other activities.  Now, I know what you're thinking.  But she's not even weird.  And her kids are normal.  And nice.  And she's not even intimidating or making me want to hate her.  She's a pleasant, hardworking person with whom to share a shift.  But she always has energy.  She says she's not really into exercise, per se, but she's always in motion.  And they do a lot of family activities.  She absolutely credits her energy level with her good eating habits.  I really would like to be better about this.  I feel like I was better about well-balanced meals and such when my kids were young.  I tried to fix dinner and have it be healthy.  But my children were not excited about healthy foods.  And it's funny now that they are grown, because they eat healthy things on their own that I could never get them to eat.  Anyway, I don't fix a lot of meals now, but I think I could be a lot better about what foods I purchase and have around.   If only I didn't love to bake!!  Also, the other day this friend said she was craving a Sill's Cafe cinnamon roll.  Todd brought us one and she was so thrilled.  They are huge, so I cut it into four pieces for the four of us working, and we totally enjoyed the thing.  But my friend got so sick!  She just couldn't deal with all that sugar.  She did tell me she'd do it again, though.  That's the thing.  She's not fanatical; just so extremely consistent.  Anyway, I'm going to do better.

Monday, May 21, 2012

One More Bounce...

Up and Down... Up and Down...
I'm up one pound.  I'm not too worried, I'm heading for Alaska Saturday morning.  I think I'll probably gain quite a bit... I hear that's what one does on a cruise.  When I get back... THAT's when I'll worry.
Have a great week!!

Monday, May 14, 2012


I was super scared to weigh in this week... but also a little anxious, because I just want to know how BAD it was going to be!!  Well, guess what?!?!  It wasn't bad AT ALL!  In fact, it was GREAT!!  I am down 3.4 pounds!  Woo Hoo!!!  I totally enjoyed myself... I also went to the gym (twice) as well as took the kids swimming (twice).  But mostly I sat by the pool in the sun and read books, so I am relieved!! I've finally hit the 20 pound mark!  Whew... FINALLY!!!

I have a confession.  I am kind of a brat.  That probably won't shock most of you, but for some of you this is news!  Our sweet cousin Rochelle came up this weekend for State baseball and she texted to see if I would like to meet her at a game - and perhaps watch her youngest pitch?  Heck yes, I do!!  Then she texts back, I  hear you're getting skinny.  I reply, LOL... I'll NEVER be the skinny one ever again.  She texts, Do you feel better?  I say, I really never felt that bad.  I guess that's because my mom gave me a giant dose of self esteem when I was a kid.  ;)  Physically I feel a little difference, for the better.  (Wasn't that rude??  I KNEW what she was talking about... I knew she was talking about how I 'feel' physically.  I just wanted to be a jerk and say that losing weight doesn't make me a different person.  That I am more proud of who I am today than when I weighed a mere 120 pounds!  I am ashamed of that skinny little girl... looking for love and attention!  I make much better decisions now.  I am a better person - excess weight and all!!)  She texted back, Oh - that's what I meant - physically.  I was bratty - and I hope she forgives me.

Weight loss is a subject bound to bring up lots of different emotions.  It's an emotional journey.  Especially for those of us who are emotionally constipated.

I hope you all have a great week... and to Paula and Cindy:  BRING IT ON!!!  THERE ARE 6 WEEKS LEFT!!  Love you!  :D

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 19

Happy Mother's Day to you all!! 
This week I lost .5 pounds again.  I am truly hoping to get better numbers over the next few weeks before my trip to California.  I've been thinking about my mom a lot this week.  She told me that when she wanted to drop a few pounds, she'd just have a candy bar and a coke for the day, and nothing else.  Ha Ha!  Such an interesting diet plan.  But I thought she always looked good.  She told me during her cancer treatments, when she couldn't keep anything down, that she'd never worry about weight again.  She just wanted to feel good and be able to enjoy food.  So, I feel today I should be grateful for the better habits I've developed, and for being able to enjoy a good meal or a fun treat, and know that my body will use the energy to carry me through my life.  As I strive to be healthy, I will strive to be happy and enjoy life's journey.  That's something my mother taught me.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 18

I did weigh in on the correct day - yesterday.  But I had to go to work and didn't get a post done.  I lost .5 pounds this week.  Actually, this half week.  Or whatever.  I did go to Sawadee on Friday night.  I didn't eat as much as usual, however, as my dinner companions were not as enthusiastic about eating as I tend to be, and I didn't want to appear the major glutton.  Besides, I'm happy to just go there and inhale the delicious smells!!!

Week 18.

I am in Park City for the week.  Before I left (Friday) I weighed myself and I weighed exactly the same as Monday.  I'm fairly certain I will gain this week... I'm trying to go to the gym here at the hotel but you know how hard it is to eat 'clean' while out and about.  I have been once and I'm fixing to go as soon as I'm done with this - it's a small gym, but there are treadmills and a few weight lifting apparatus' that will do more than just sitting in my room reading, watching TV and eating Swedish Fish.   (And licorice and riesen's and popcorn with peanut butter M&M's.)
Have a great week!!