Monday, January 6, 2014

First Weigh In 2014

I don't want this to be so much about "weight" and "numbers" as I want it to be about "feelings" and "health"...
But, how do I measure that?
The Scale... Blah!!
First Week:  minus 2 pounds.

Not as big as last time first weigh in... but, I only changed a couple of things this past week so I'll take it.

Did I mention I'm an emotional eater?  Well, I am.  This week has been full of stress, excitement, fear, anxiety, relief, happiness etc.  I eat for all of those special occasions.  Yay Me!

Here's to next week!  Maybe I'll work out a time or two?  Eh... maybe not.
Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't written a blog post, but I would love to be healthier this year, too! And I know my mom and Britt are on the same page as well. I did really well the first week (no chocolate, etc), but I have (already) fallen off the wagon. I think my big problem is that I just never believe that I can actually change or that I will be able to make time for exercise or that I will ever not hate it. I really like this lady's blog and her story of becoming a runner (not to mention the fact that her recipes are good): Maybe that's my problem. Maybe I just want to go from couch potato to marathoner in one week. Baby steps!!
