Friday, February 10, 2012


Loved this sign on the wall as I was consuming the bloomin' onion at Waldo's BBQ in Mesa!

 Guess what?  This Grandmother is down 5 lbs!  Hard to believe, I know!  My chocolate cravings are lessening, my sugar fix has been taken care of by a couple of animal crackers, or cold cereal, when I just can't stand it.  Last night I bought gourmet cupcakes from Sweet Mercy, and satisfied my curiosity with a bite of Jeannie's.  In the past I would have wolfed one down, then had a bowl of ice cream to top it off.  I am home from work today with a chest cold.  Didn't work out this morning, but I may walk on the treadmill later.  Definitely hard to work out when you feel like crap! My noteworthy accomplishment this week (besides the loss in weight) is making it out of Costco without inhaling a berry smoothie, frozen yogurt, or slice of pizza!  Now that's something to smile about!