So far March has been a giant waste of time and effort. I weigh the same as last week. Which is about .(point)4 pounds less than 4 weeks ago. Bah!
I am guessing it's because of my lack of self control as far as eating. I go workout and tell myself I "deserve" that extra helping of _______________, or that I "deserve" a treat of some kind. I guess it's back to tracking... writing down every morsel that I put in my mouth.
We are half way done and I am not half way to my goal. Does anyone have a tapeworm I can borrow? I'll give it back. ;)
I hope I hit the 20 pound mark soon - maybe this last week of March will be good to me!!
We have tried this before, we will try it again - until we get it right.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Week 12
Just one pound lost this week. But I'll take it and be happy, and celebrate that I've reached the 20 pound mark. So many of those came at the beginning of this challenge, and so few recently. It makes me nervous about my ability to lose 20 more in the next three months. But for now, I'm really excited to reach this milestone.
Monday, March 19, 2012
I Think This Is Eleven Weeks In??
Yeah... it is.
I'm down 1.2 pounds. So, I lost the 2 pounds I gained 2 weeks ago. It's amazing to me that it piles on so quickly (even with working out) and it is so dang hard to lose!!!
I just want to say... and this may be a little too much info for some of you, so I apologize... but two things happen when I "diet".
#1 - My hair gets all dry and brittle. It's gross. It's because I don't eat enough delicious fats to lube it up. I think. So, I get a little coconut oil and gloss it up on the ends. It helps, some. If any of you see me and my hair looks fried OR greasy - please tell me!!
#2 - My digestive system gets all backed up. Even more gross than dry hairs. Seriously - I was at the point of using my 'post-baby stool softeners' to get things going. :) (See, a lot of info. Sorry. I'm not done.) I bought some Benefiber pills... not a lot of help. I was miserable. I felt like a lumpy turd. (A PETRIFIED-HARD lumpy turd.) Someone told me about Probiotics (you know the stuff in the green yogurt Jamie Lee Curtis talks about on TV... I can't remember the name of it. And because I got 2 hours of sleep last night, I don't have the energy to really think hard about it nor look it up) but I found it in pill form because I didn't want to waste my points (calories) on a yogurt I may or may not enjoy?? Halla-freakin-luia!!! It works.
So there ya have it. A successful week, a couple of tips and too much information from Sheral.
Have a great week ladies!!
I'm down 1.2 pounds. So, I lost the 2 pounds I gained 2 weeks ago. It's amazing to me that it piles on so quickly (even with working out) and it is so dang hard to lose!!!
I just want to say... and this may be a little too much info for some of you, so I apologize... but two things happen when I "diet".
#1 - My hair gets all dry and brittle. It's gross. It's because I don't eat enough delicious fats to lube it up. I think. So, I get a little coconut oil and gloss it up on the ends. It helps, some. If any of you see me and my hair looks fried OR greasy - please tell me!!
#2 - My digestive system gets all backed up. Even more gross than dry hairs. Seriously - I was at the point of using my 'post-baby stool softeners' to get things going. :) (See, a lot of info. Sorry. I'm not done.) I bought some Benefiber pills... not a lot of help. I was miserable. I felt like a lumpy turd. (A PETRIFIED-HARD lumpy turd.) Someone told me about Probiotics (you know the stuff in the green yogurt Jamie Lee Curtis talks about on TV... I can't remember the name of it. And because I got 2 hours of sleep last night, I don't have the energy to really think hard about it nor look it up) but I found it in pill form because I didn't want to waste my points (calories) on a yogurt I may or may not enjoy?? Halla-freakin-luia!!! It works.
So there ya have it. A successful week, a couple of tips and too much information from Sheral.
Have a great week ladies!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Major Plateau
As predicted, I didn't lose anything this week. I really hoped for at least one pound lost, so I could say I'd reached the 20 pound mark. But, alas, I did not.
I really liked that blog that Tori sent. That woman is adorable and so positive. It made me want to sit down and make a list of the top ten reasons I feel good about what I've done so far. Then I need to make a list of ten things I'd like to do when I lose the rest of this weight. Maybe I'll post them when I get them done.
I am determined that this week be better. I mean, seriously, come on!
I really liked that blog that Tori sent. That woman is adorable and so positive. It made me want to sit down and make a list of the top ten reasons I feel good about what I've done so far. Then I need to make a list of ten things I'd like to do when I lose the rest of this weight. Maybe I'll post them when I get them done.
I am determined that this week be better. I mean, seriously, come on!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Food and wisdom. Or a lack thereof.
Food, in moderation, is a very, very good thing. And my mom is very, very good at making it. So... that makes it kind of unfortunate when she turns out a St. Patty's Day meal like this and I can't eat any of it:

Stupid wisdom teeth.
P.s. We like to pretend Chinese Chicken Salad is Irish. That's fine.
Emotional eating is and has always been my downfall. These past two weeks are no exception. Last week I lost nothing, this week one pound. We have enjoyed beautiful and sweet experiences with my Mother as she is mostly in her hospital bed in what we call the "middle" room. So many tender feelings right now. We gathered round her bed on Thursday (My Dad and 5 sisters) and sang an old family favorite, "Down by the Riverside". Her toe was tapping rhythm to the beat and she had the most pleasant expression on her face. I have watched her eating habits change to liquids and small pieces of fruit, from her beloved chocolate, and macaroni and tomatoes. It's interesting all the memories we have involving food, and I will continue making memories with my family. In fact, I plan to enjoy all my favorites (hopefully in moderation) as long as I live! So as we celebrate Brody's birthday today, I will enjoy every bite of cake, and say Mmmmmm!
p.s. What month do we finish this?
p.s. What month do we finish this?
Friday, March 16, 2012
I came across this woman's blog via a mutual friend, and it made me smile because she is so enthusiastic about her weight loss journey. I thought I'd share to pump us all up (this is coming from someone who has consumed an entire pack of Oreos and a family size bag of Cheetos by herself this week...curse you, finals week):
Also, I have to say that you weight loss ladies are looking great these days! Mom, you looked so fantastic when I saw you last month. And Sheral, your Facebook pictures are looking quite svelt these days. :) (Bev, I haven't seen you in a while, but I am sure you look great, too!)
Also, I have to say that you weight loss ladies are looking great these days! Mom, you looked so fantastic when I saw you last month. And Sheral, your Facebook pictures are looking quite svelt these days. :) (Bev, I haven't seen you in a while, but I am sure you look great, too!)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Week 10
Sorry I didn't get my post done yesterday. It was a busy, exhausting day at work, and I just came home and fell into bed. I didn't have anything great to report, anyway. I lost a whopping 1/2 pound this week. Here's my confession for the week: On Tuesday I made chocolate chip cookies. I haven't made them for a very long time because I have no self control. I took a bunch to work and froze at least half the batch. But that still left PLENTY for me to eat. And I did. And I liked it. The whole thing was so enjoyable to me. Like the making and baking was almost as satisfying as the eating. Shelby tells me everyone needs to create in some way. I think I'm not very creative. But I do like to create yummy baked goods. So while it sabatoged the whole week, I found a little joy in the process. I've got to find another creative outlet.
Ten Weeks In.
Oh boy.
I am down 1.5 pounds. Still up .7 from 2 weeks ago.
Not much else to report. I have lots of excuses... none of them are valid.
I am down 1.5 pounds. Still up .7 from 2 weeks ago.
Not much else to report. I have lots of excuses... none of them are valid.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I'm alive!
I'm sorry it's been so long since you've heard from me. Things are going so great! .... Except that last week I only went running once. It was for 20 minutes... so that's a bonus that I can even do that... but it was once. :/ Let's just all accept that last week was a bad one for all of us.. and move forward, eh?
Anyway, yesterday, I got back in there and ran again! I also took a major look at my eating habits and had a much better day today. Is there a better snack than apples and cheese? I submit that there is not.
Also, I found this pin on Pinterest (click here) for Audrina Partridge's (you don't really know who she is or why she's famous either? Oh good.) ab work-out. You do each move pictured 20 times and move onto the next move without rest, and do the whole circuit once or twice. She was voted best female abs in America or something crazy, and it looked so simple, I thought I'd give it a try. Um... it may look easy, and the moves were doable, but I only made it through once. My abs were throbby the rest of the night, and I am DYING today. I kind of love being sore. Means I did something! Check it out!
I think you are all fabulous. :) We can do this! Think of how far we have come!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Worst Week Ever...
So, I cheated almost every day. I got dressed and drove by the gym Saturday - it was full - so I kept on going. :(
I'm up 2 pounds - 2.2 pounds to be exact.
I'd like to say that I feel bad about it, but I don't. I totally enjoyed food this week. Good food - meaning: Cheater Butt food. Doritos, breads and cupcakes.
My goal for this week is to lose those 2.2 pounds plus 2 more. It will take all my strength to resist those tasty snacks!! I'm also going to try to sweat more at the gym. I've stopped pushing myself. I guess I can't do that yet!
Here's to a better week!!
I'm up 2 pounds - 2.2 pounds to be exact.
I'd like to say that I feel bad about it, but I don't. I totally enjoyed food this week. Good food - meaning: Cheater Butt food. Doritos, breads and cupcakes.
My goal for this week is to lose those 2.2 pounds plus 2 more. It will take all my strength to resist those tasty snacks!! I'm also going to try to sweat more at the gym. I've stopped pushing myself. I guess I can't do that yet!
Here's to a better week!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Not sure what week this is, but . . . . .
I am down two pounds this week. I need to add up my totals, but I was thinking today that I am approaching the weight listed on my driver's license. That's nothing to be proud of, by the way, but even that hasn't been accurate for a number of years. I remember my mom saying that you could always add 15 pounds to the weight on a woman's license, and subtract 2 inches from the height listed on a man's. HA HA! She's funny. And also pretty wise!
numero uno
One more pound lost this week. Not setting any records here, but slow and steady! The good news is I actually climbed a hill! My toe is feeling much better and I am anticipating fresh air and mountains! With my yo yo program I have lost a total of 6 pounds from my beginning weight.
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