Monday, April 30, 2012

Darn You To Heck Mr. PF Chang!!

Yeah, so week 17 was a bust!!  I am up 1.5 pounds!!  I would like to blame it all on eating at PF Changs... it's probably more my fault. 
Oh well, instead of beating myself up - I'm gonna just say I enjoyed my week and try again!!
Have a Great Week Ladies!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

16 Weeks And Counting Down

I lost 1 pound this week and I am grateful!!
I wonder if having one 'free day' per week is what is stalling my progress?  I usually have Monday as my free day - so I weigh in and party the rest of the day.  Whether I lose or gain.  I'm going to skip the free day this week and see what happens??  Maybe I gain 3 pounds that one day and take the rest of the week to lose it?!?!?!  Insane.
One more pound and I'll hit the 20 pound mark... finally!!!!
Have a great week!!

Week 16 - I think?

Finally some good news. I lost 2 pounds this week. More good news? Okay, I had to go to a smaller hole on my belt. But, some bad news, too. I also had to go to a smaller row of hooks on my bra. Isn't that always the case?

Monday, April 16, 2012

15 Weeks is a LONG time!

I was super nervous about weighing in this morning - I made the giant mistake of weighing myself yesterday morning (old habits die hard) and I was up 2 pounds. YIKES!! Well, it was fast Sunday so that may have helped - but this morning I was up (point).8 pounds. Not too bad considering it has been spring break and the kids and I have been "out" all week long - we have had JDawgs, Sawadee, Movie Treats and a couple of burgers. I only missed one day at the gym - so, I won't beat myself up too bad.
It was fun to get together for Sunday dinner yesterday - I am sad that I haven't been doing it this year. I think I was a little overwhelmed with "what can I feed people on this diet"? I am realizing that I can make changes and still be the same. That sounds like it doesn't make sense, but I think for those of you who are "changing" recognize the truth behind that statement. I'm going to try to do Sunday dinners again. I think our mom wants me to.
Good luck this week!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 15

This week I lost the half pound I gained the week before. That's all I have to say.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 14

I am so proud of Sheral for rising above the plateau. She is awesome! It was interesting to read her blog post because I, too, have been weighing myself daily and hating myself most of the time. This week I not only did not lose anything; I gained a half pound. I'm trying to put that behind me and have a positive week. I have actually come across a couple obstacles. I'm not wanting them to be excuses, but I do feel concerned about them. Maybe you will all have good advice on how to overcome. Basically, I just think I need to be patient.

1) They changed our work times. We can no longer do 8-hour shifts (my favorite), and we all have to work 5am to 5pm. This means I get up at 3:45 in the morning. I try to go to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 pm, but I am having a hard time falling asleep. Even when I do, I wake up a few hours later because I think my body thinks it was just a nap. It has left me tired and mean, and is making my metabolism confused. I don't know when to eat. I don't eat breakfast at 4 am, and then when I find a minute for it at work, it makes me not want to eat lunch. Then I get home and don't want to eat dinner, because I know I'll be in bed very soon. My girls tell me skipping meals puts your body on starvation alert and it stores calories. I don't know. I'm messed up. I'll figure things out.

2) I just started on a medication for my skin that is actually a diuretic. I've taken it before and always when I start on it, it makes me retain water for a week or so before it starts with the diuretic properties. So that I just have to be patient with.

3) I'm exercising more, but it is causing me lots of discomfort. Maybe I'm not quite as recovered surgical-wise as I thought. I get a little tentative because I don't want to mess things up. (Bad grammar on that last sentence!) For this concern, I think I need to be more brave.

I'm proud of all the good things everyone is doing. I just have to believe good things lie ahead. I didn't even pig out on Easter, so I'll congratulate myself on that!

Monday, April 9, 2012

FiNaLlY!! (AKA: Week 14)

I finally broke through the barrier (mostly in my head) and LOST 1.8 pounds!!!

For the past 5 or so weeks I have been the girl who weighs herself EVERY MORNING - it sucks!! This week, I did NOT weigh myself every day. I didn't prior to that because it was fun to see those "big" numbers. But after a while, I began to expect weight loss EVERY day. Then the self loathing came with it. If I was up a pound or 2 - I would beat myself up for the rest of the day. "Tina, you fat lard!" And suppose I was down a pound or so - I would treat myself to something nice... i.e. REAL (not baked or rice) potato chips, or a chocolate chip cookie, or an extra slice of naughty pizza heavy with cheese and pepperoni. It's a vicious cycle. I really don't want to be one of 'those' people who weigh themselves constantly... what a HORRIBLE way to start EVERY day!! I need to be grateful every day for a body that moves, breaths, smiles, laughs, cries (occasionally), processes food efficiently and houses my spirit - it may not be perfect - but it's good enough for me.

I hope you all are seeing good changes!! Here's to another good week!!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Of course.

Nothing funny to add.

No words of encouragement.

The End.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 13

I agree with Sheral. March was terrible. I didn't lose anything this week.

I've just been watching General Conference and am realizing that my inside needs as much or more work as my outside. Sometimes chastisement comes so clearly and so kindly, that you don't even mind being laid low. Oh, boy. Lots to think about!