Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 4 ? Weigh In

Down almost two pounds.  I'm .2 away from 10 pounds. I don't see/feel a big difference, but I'm going to keep going.
People have asked me "do you feel better?" Ummmm... not really. I didn't feel too bad to begin with.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 3 Weigh In

I'm down another 2 pounds... nearly 8 total. (9 from Christmas... but I didn't "start" until Jan 1.)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 2 Weigh In

I'm down another 1.8 pounds.
That seems like not enough for the sacrifices made.
I guess I just like instant gratification.

Almost 6 pounds is good, I'll take it.

Someone told me about putting avocados in green smoothies a few years ago, I seriously nearly threw up thinking about it...  but guess what?  It's really good.  There are a lot of calories in avocado - so I have to take that into my daily intake - but it's good calories, right?  Also, is an avocado a fruit or a veggie?  I'll look that up for my challenge points.

It feels kind of weird that I'm the only one posting on this blog... and I don't even know if anyone is reading this.  I guess I'll post a few more times and see what happens.  I can get support other ways.

I hope you all have a great week!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

One Week

I am down four pounds... Yay!
I am trying to figure out my relationship with food, and when I say "food" I think I really mean treats... or maybe food.  I don't know.
The kids have a piano recital coming up and they were to choose a western song to play, Paige picked "You Are My Sunshine".  I tear up every time.  It reminds me of Grandma Heap.  I miss her.  Then I just want to go and eat a cupcake... an orange JUST doesn't cut it.  What is wrong with me?

I guess we'll figure it out later... probably much later, like after we die we'll know what is wrong with all of us...  but for now, I'll go eat my orange.

I hope the rest of you are having a good week!
Love ya!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Back Again!!

I got a scale for Christmas (ours broke quite a while ago). 
It's about a number now.
I paid $20 for a neighborhood Biggest Loser... it starts Jan 12.  I'm starting Jan 1.
I keep finding the 20-some-odd pounds I lose every time.  I think maybe this time?  YES!  For sure, this time I will keep it off!! :)
Any of you sisters/in-laws/cousins/friends/strangers want to join this year??
My plan -
1.  No soda's - Diet or otherwise. I did a little water challenge a few weeks ago and since then I have had three 32 oz. Diet Dr. Peppers and a couple of 12 oz. cans.  (I could EASILY down that much in a single day... so, this is pretty big!) I will replace the soda with WATER... I will drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every dang day.
2.  Track my food intake - I guess it will be kind of like Weight Watchers but without points.  The program has changed from when I did it back in 2008... I don't want to sign up again.  I want to lose 50 pounds (That is DOUBLE what I lost last time, plus a couple of pounds) by June (we're going to California for a week) and my little "Lose It" app I downloaded says to do that I can have 1,327 calories per day.  If I exercise I get more!!  Woo HOO!!
3.  Exercise - Like Daily. Except Sunday.  I just printed this and will be hanging on my fridge, "Food Is The Most Abused Anxiety Drug. Exercise Is The Most Underutilized Antidepressant."  Do I believe it?  No, not really.  I don't FEEL a whole lot better after I have exercised, but - I realize I need it.  Even if it's 10 minutes of pushups/sit-ups/lunges... I will intentionally MOVE my body.  I also believe I'm very much an emotional eater... and any emotion will do.  I eat when I feel happy, sad, mad, nervous, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, overscheduled, bored, defiant, social or even nothing at all.  My treat of choice - chips and soda... mmmmm.
I will weigh in every Thursday (because it's Jan 1 and I'm like that).  I'm hoping to have lost at least 3 pounds since last Thursday!  I had better... because depriving myself of soda HAS to be worth it!!
I love you ladies! I want us to be here and healthy for a very long long time!
Good Luck!

Monday, January 6, 2014

First Weigh In 2014

I don't want this to be so much about "weight" and "numbers" as I want it to be about "feelings" and "health"...
But, how do I measure that?
The Scale... Blah!!
First Week:  minus 2 pounds.

Not as big as last time first weigh in... but, I only changed a couple of things this past week so I'll take it.

Did I mention I'm an emotional eater?  Well, I am.  This week has been full of stress, excitement, fear, anxiety, relief, happiness etc.  I eat for all of those special occasions.  Yay Me!

Here's to next week!  Maybe I'll work out a time or two?  Eh... maybe not.
Love you guys!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Who's In This Year??

I sure am!

I have slowly and carefully added on nearly each and every pound I lost 2 years ago.

So, starting January 1...  I will commit to losing the same weight that keeps finding me... probably not for good. (Where's the fun in that???)

Time to "do it" again.  Time to "diet".  Time to "exercise". Time to lose my freaking mind.  Who's with me?