Saturday, December 28, 2013

Who's In This Year??

I sure am!

I have slowly and carefully added on nearly each and every pound I lost 2 years ago.

So, starting January 1...  I will commit to losing the same weight that keeps finding me... probably not for good. (Where's the fun in that???)

Time to "do it" again.  Time to "diet".  Time to "exercise". Time to lose my freaking mind.  Who's with me?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fine. I get it.

I went to the doctor's office yesterday - just for a routine exam and new birth control prescription since I had switched insurance at the beginning of the year. When I was in the waiting room filling out forms, I came across this question:

Do you exercise regularly?

Um, no, I do not. So that's what I put. No. Negative. Nada. Honestly, I didn't think twice about my answer. Not a big deal, right?

When I got into the exam room, however, my doctor immediately zeroed in on that answer. The conversation went something like this:

"You don't exercise?"
"No, not really."
"Why not?"
"Well, I get up for work really early and it's pretty late when I get home. I don't feel like I have a ton of time for exercising."
"But it's really important."
"I know. I should be better. I am going to get a guest pass to the Stanford gym today."
"Well, that's good. Make sure you use it. You really need to exercise."

Okay, lady, I get it. I need to exercise. I am a gross couch-potato slug who just wants to curl up with a good book and some hot chocolate. As I left the office, her parting words were, "Have fun on your day off of work....make sure you exercise!"

Those not-so-gentle reminders coupled with my appointment weigh-in (definitely more than my driver's license weight...ha) finally motivated me to get off my butt today. I spent about 40 minutes doing some circuit exercises and then ran a mile and a half. It wasn't anything big, but hopefully enough to get Dr. Wong off of my back. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Think I Need This To Keep Me On Track.

So, I got on the scale today for the first time in months...


I lost 22ish pounds... and I've gained 9 back.


I will be signing up for Sweaty Chix this week... I think that's the sort of exercise I like and that I will actually stick to.  I don't like the gym.  I really tried and I feel like I gave it a good effort.  I even checked out a DIFFERENT gym - I walked in and you know what???  It's STILL a gym!  Blah!

How is everyone else doing?