Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Introduction: Sheral

Hi there!! Welcome to the Sawyer Sisters Blog!!
I am ALMOST Forty Years Old and have been heavy exactly HALF of my life. I didn't lose all the weight from my first baby - and I didn't care. Well, that's not completely true. I have tried different diets and they all suck. I then had 3 more babies as well as an horrific 10 month cycle of Chlomid (in which I gained a whopping 20 pounds I've never been able to get rid of!). My baby will be 6 this year and my oldest will be 19 - it's time I start doing something good and healthy for ME. It's going to be rough because I don't really like fruits and veggies. My guilty pleasure is Pepsi - Pepsi and anything salty.
My goal is to lose 22% of my weight in the six month challenge. That is a big goal!!! But, I think it will get me well within my healthy weight range for my height/age.
My plans of action: First, I am going to quit soda's completely - diet or otherwise!!! Second, I will join the gym and do cardio (there) 3 days and weights (there) 3 days a week. I may need to find someone to teach me the correct way to use the machines as well as which ones will be the most beneficial for my body. (Probably Joel.) Third, I'm going to break out the old Weight Watchers information and follow that eating program.
My first weigh in will be Monday, January 2, 2012. I will thereafter, weigh in and report every Monday after that - until the day the competition is over... Monday, July 2, 2012. That is SIX full months of busting my ass... or gut... or fat... or whatever needs busting!!!
Best of luck ladies!! Now it's your turn to introduce yourselves as well as your goals!!! Love you tons!!