Friday, December 30, 2011

No more Chubbiness

This is the kick in the pants that I've needed to get many added pounds off.
I turn 50 this year and my goal is never to see 160 again. If I weigh 159 the rest of my life, that's fine with me. I have no excuses for not working out. I have free access to the gym at my work, and live so close to wonderful hiking. My plan is 6 days of working out for an hour, limiting sweets, watching portion sizes, and trying to substitute healthy snacks, instead of my usual chocolate. Luckily I don't like soda, so that isn't a temptation, but ice cream more than makes up for it!
I lost weight on the Suzanne Somers diet a few years ago and felt great, but I couldn't keep that restrictive diet going, so the pounds crept back on. Sunday is the worst day for poor eating, therefore I will weigh in every Friday.
Lot's of luck to my fellow losers!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!!!
    It's going to be so fun!! Looking forward to hearing from you on Fridays!! :)
