We have tried this before, we will try it again - until we get it right.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Hey Guys...
I ran (jogged 5.0 mph) for 30 minutes - I think it was around 2.5 miles... then I walked a bit. I bumped it up to 5.0 mph and finished it out. All total -
wait for it...
3 miles in THIRTY-EIGHT minutes.
I lost a couple of pounds since last month - but still not down to my July 1 weight. And you know what?? I am just fine. I eat what I want, when I want and exercise to maintain, I guess??
I hope you are all doing great things too!!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
It's Me Again
Good news... I can run 2 miles without stopping. It takes about 20ish minutes.
Next month goal (Sept 1.)... run two and a half miles without stopping.
Next year goal. (Some time within the year I am forty.) Run a 5K. A real, in front of people, like a healthy person would do - 5K. Without walking. NOT winning... that doesn't even matter... just finishing - respectively.
I hope you all are doing healthy fun things. Love ya!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Anyone Still Out There??
I have been struggling to run longer than 12 minutes for weeks now. Today I dropped the MPH from 6 to 5.5 and voila! I ran 20 full minutes and probably could have ran at least 5 or more. With the 1 minute walk at first and the 3 minute cool down - it was 2 miles... not too shabby!
I still have 2 weeks to be able to run 2 miles without stopping.
I weighed myself yesterday - I'm up a pound and a 1/2!!! Oooopsie!!! I need to chuck the scale out the window.
Monday, July 2, 2012
I was down a pound.
My totals:
Pounds Lost - 22.8
Percentage Lost - 11.76%
I feel okay about my total weight loss. I would have loved to lose more, but - you know.
I agree with all of Lynette's post from yesterday. I too, liked when others had great success - even if I didn't. I was genuinely happy for you. It is weird that losing 22.8 (25 for Lynette) pounds didn't make a HUGE difference in what my body looks like. It's kind of frustrating... I suppose I'll get over it!!
I personally liked the mental change in me. I am less critical of strangers. I used to look at super fit people and sort of hate them... I was like "She's probably a jerk!" Or I would look at super unfit people and think... "I hope I NEVER get that big!" What a PUTZ I was... maybe AM still a little? I can usually look at a fit person and say "She/He must work HARD for that body!" or an unfit person and really want to hug them and have compassion. Being heavy is hard - no matter if it's 40 pounds overweight or 100 pounds! It's a sad and lonely place to be - even if you (read: I) don't want to admit it.
I also liked the change in my stamina. I am able to run (jog - 6 mph) for 10 minutes straight... at any time. Because it's a new month, I began increasing my time today. I ran 1.5 miles in 17 minutes. I had to walk for a couple of minutes after about 12 minutes - but decided I need to bump up my game. I'm hoping I'll be able to run a 5K when I'm 40. Won't that be weird??
I am glad this felt like a success. Well, it did for me - I hope some of you too. I don't think I'll weigh myself weekly anymore... it's too maddening when I don't see a change. I think I'll post on this blog monthly - hoping to see more changes and way LOWER numbers each time. Maybe by December I'll have lost all 40 pounds?
We need to get together and take pictures - celebrate and have fun!! We are awesome!!
Thanks for being a huge part of this!! It's like I had my own cheering squad the entire time!!
Love you to bits!!!
My goal for July 30 (four weeks) - 2 miles in 20 minutes - down 3 pounds.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Well, this is it.
Total Lost: 25 pounds
Total Percentage Lost: 12.8%
I am really, really disappointed that I didn't do better. But there were some things about this experience that I really liked, so I'm going to be positive and list them now:
1. I liked that when others had a better week than I did, I didn't feel petty. This is big for me, because I think I am basically a petty person. But I was truly cheering for everyone to succeed. I really like everyone who joined this challenge with me, and I liked being part of something positive like that.
2. I like that even though I don't really look any different, I can go to my closet and wear pretty much everything in there. I wore the same skirt to church for probably two years. (Only a very slight exaggeration.) I got the skirt for Shelby's baptism, so that tells you it was long overdue for replacement. And now I have some choices. For that I am grateful.
3. I really liked that through this we kept in touch with each other a little more. I really looked forward to any posts or comments through the week. You are all wonderful women.
4. I can be pretty good about not overeating, but I am not good about pushing myself with exercise and working out. You have been great inspirations to me in that department. Thank you!
5. I liked that this challenge made me look around and notice the good things people were doing to improve their health. I found good examples through all of you, and through people at work, and even people in my neighborhood. I gained a greater appreciation for others' good habits, rather than being threatened by them.
A couple weeks ago we went to Tori's graduation in California. I was so happy to meet people that have befriended her with whom she has made connections. I had heard of these people for a long time, now. I really enjoyed her friends, but I was struck by the way they all interacted with each other, and I didn't sense they were competing with each other. I think there's a lot of that here in Utah. These women were not all skinny, blonde, augmented women with fragile self-esteem. They were REAL and beautiful and accomplished and so good at bearing one another's burdens and seeking for happiness. Now I am sure they have struggles and challenges just like the rest of us, but I just didn't feel that competitiveness that keeps us from enjoying one another. Anyway, that was a silly rant because I don't really know these people enough for such an analysis, but just something I was thinking about.
The bottom line: During this experience, I wanted all of you to be successful and to know how beautiful and wonderful you are. You were beautiful and wonderful before this challenge, and you are still beautiful and wonderful. You have all touched my life for good and I am glad to know you! In very specific ways, you have all inspired and enriched my life and I am forever grateful. I love you!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Week 25
I am running a mile every time I go to the gym. I never once thought I would say that sentence. Joel has been going to the gym with his work friends. They are more serious about lifting and they are able to "spot" more pounds than I. I don't blame Joel for ditching me. LOL. His friend gave me a little weight lifting schedule... I feel kind of weird doing it by myself. So, I just run - do a few sit ups and go home. I don't like working out with people and I guess I don't like working out alone. Let's face it, I don't like working out... period.
I had better lose 4 pounds this week so I can catch up to Lynette!! ;) I'll have to lose MORE to beat her!! I haven't heard from too many others. We could extend this "Biggest Loser" for another 6 months if we need to? I know I didn't lose what I thought I would... hoped I would.
If not, only one more week. Also, if we don't - I'm chucking the scale out the window!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Finally . . . a little something.
One week left. Finish strong.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Two Weeks Left
If I just count the pounds lost... and not ANY of the pounds I gained... I think I would be down the 40 pounds that was my goal. I win? :) I'm so tired of bouncing up and down!!
I am going to blame this weight gain on stress. I had to speak in church. I was a mess.
Congratulations to Tori!!! You're awesome!
Good luck to all you ladies next week!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Three Weeks Left
Only 3 more weigh-ins. It's crazy to think about!
I was pretty sure I was going to be able to lose 40 pounds in those 6 months... I was wrong. So, so wrong. I'm going to be thrilled if I can lose 25 pounds. That is something to be happy about. It is so hard to lose weight.
I think we should have a celebratory barbecue - Monday, July 2. My house. I haven't been doing family dinners this year because I didn't want to sabotage your (and my) diet! I like good food, and really good food usually includes lots of fat. But now that the weather is better - we could barbecue (that's healthy) and we could take pictures, decide the 'winner' and celebrate these steps to better health.
3 weeks left... amazing!!
Good luck this week!!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Cruise - Shmuise.
While I was on the cruise and exploring - I ate anything and everything. I packed my workout clothes and never once placed them on my body. They returned home exactly as packed!! The ship had 15 floors... I climbed them when I felt like it and took the elevator when I didn't feel like it. We did a lot of walking at the ports. But I really didn't worry about this "diet" like I thought I would. Lucky for me the food on the ship was more about "quantity" than "quality" - so I wasn't super excited about any of it. It's kind of like Chuck-A-Rama. There is always something to get full on... but it wasn't like the best food on earth. I don't know if that makes any sense.
My friend has lost around 25 pounds since November - and she watched what she ate, exercised several times - she made the mistake of weighing herself on the ship - she had gained 8 pounds. That scared the crap out of me... but, I put it out of my head and went out dancing.
When I arrived home late Saturday night I was up around 2 pounds. I figured a nice bowel movement and Fast Sunday would fix that... I was right. This morning for my official weigh-in, I weighed the same as the Saturday we left. So, for two weeks... I'm actually down a pound.
I still have 4 more to get to 25 pounds. We only have FOUR weeks to go. At that point, I'm going to throw out my scale. I think I'll still continue to go to the gym and watch what I eat... forever, but I can't count on a certain number on the scale to make me happy. I was happy before we started. I think I am the type to obsess about it. So, I will concentrate on being 'healthy'.
I do agree with Lynette - boys lose weight much easier than girls, and sadly, it's so very easy to put it back on.
Good luck next week ladies!!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
I Blame Sheral
Today was weigh-in day and I am happy to report that I lost what I gained last week. Therefore, my net weight loss for the past TWO weeks: Zero.
Which brings me to a couple of points that make me really peeved if I think about them too much.
1) It's so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it.
2) It's so much easier for men to lose weight than it is for women. With my careful calorie consumption and busy work schedule this week, I really haven't cooked for my family. They all have busy schedules as well, and being adults, are perfectly capable of feeding themselves. But Todd lost weight this week. I didn't fix anything yummy all week, and HE lost the weight. I'm happy for him, but it's so unfair!!
Well, I'm truly hoping for a better week. Just a half pound more, and I can claim a 25 pound loss. That would be a good milestone. It's pretty obvious I'm not going to lose the 40 pounds I had hoped to lose during this challenge, but I think I'll keep working on it, even after our final weigh-in here. Maybe 40 pounds is more a year-long goal for me. Now that I've ranted and raved, I can adopt a more positive outlook and get back to work!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Toot Toot.
I ran (jogged) an entire mile in 10 minutes and 30 seconds. That's almost 6 miles per hour. Best part - no stroke. No heart attack. (My pulse got all the way up to 167 bpm - and I totally survived!!) I didn't even feel horrible. I am almost excited to go tomorrow and jog again!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Week 20 - Can That Be True?
I have a friend at work that eats so extremely healthy. She has become my example of late. She does all those things you're supposed to do to get your family to eat their fruits and vegetables. She purees carrots for her spaghetti sauce and makes spinach smoothies to go with dinner every night, and all those admirable things. She has a big garden and snacks all day long on things like sliced cucumbers and carrot sticks. Keep in mind that this woman works full-time, home schools her kids in a kind of co-op thing, and writes and directs community theater among other activities. Now, I know what you're thinking. But she's not even weird. And her kids are normal. And nice. And she's not even intimidating or making me want to hate her. She's a pleasant, hardworking person with whom to share a shift. But she always has energy. She says she's not really into exercise, per se, but she's always in motion. And they do a lot of family activities. She absolutely credits her energy level with her good eating habits. I really would like to be better about this. I feel like I was better about well-balanced meals and such when my kids were young. I tried to fix dinner and have it be healthy. But my children were not excited about healthy foods. And it's funny now that they are grown, because they eat healthy things on their own that I could never get them to eat. Anyway, I don't fix a lot of meals now, but I think I could be a lot better about what foods I purchase and have around. If only I didn't love to bake!! Also, the other day this friend said she was craving a Sill's Cafe cinnamon roll. Todd brought us one and she was so thrilled. They are huge, so I cut it into four pieces for the four of us working, and we totally enjoyed the thing. But my friend got so sick! She just couldn't deal with all that sugar. She did tell me she'd do it again, though. That's the thing. She's not fanatical; just so extremely consistent. Anyway, I'm going to do better.
Monday, May 21, 2012
One More Bounce...
I'm up one pound. I'm not too worried, I'm heading for Alaska Saturday morning. I think I'll probably gain quite a bit... I hear that's what one does on a cruise. When I get back... THAT's when I'll worry.
Have a great week!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
I have a confession. I am kind of a brat. That probably won't shock most of you, but for some of you this is news! Our sweet cousin Rochelle came up this weekend for State baseball and she texted to see if I would like to meet her at a game - and perhaps watch her youngest pitch? Heck yes, I do!! Then she texts back, I hear you're getting skinny. I reply, LOL... I'll NEVER be the skinny one ever again. She texts, Do you feel better? I say, I really never felt that bad. I guess that's because my mom gave me a giant dose of self esteem when I was a kid. ;) Physically I feel a little difference, for the better. (Wasn't that rude?? I KNEW what she was talking about... I knew she was talking about how I 'feel' physically. I just wanted to be a jerk and say that losing weight doesn't make me a different person. That I am more proud of who I am today than when I weighed a mere 120 pounds! I am ashamed of that skinny little girl... looking for love and attention! I make much better decisions now. I am a better person - excess weight and all!!) She texted back, Oh - that's what I meant - physically. I was bratty - and I hope she forgives me.
Weight loss is a subject bound to bring up lots of different emotions. It's an emotional journey. Especially for those of us who are emotionally constipated.
I hope you all have a great week... and to Paula and Cindy: BRING IT ON!!! THERE ARE 6 WEEKS LEFT!! Love you! :D
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Week 19
This week I lost .5 pounds again. I am truly hoping to get better numbers over the next few weeks before my trip to California. I've been thinking about my mom a lot this week. She told me that when she wanted to drop a few pounds, she'd just have a candy bar and a coke for the day, and nothing else. Ha Ha! Such an interesting diet plan. But I thought she always looked good. She told me during her cancer treatments, when she couldn't keep anything down, that she'd never worry about weight again. She just wanted to feel good and be able to enjoy food. So, I feel today I should be grateful for the better habits I've developed, and for being able to enjoy a good meal or a fun treat, and know that my body will use the energy to carry me through my life. As I strive to be healthy, I will strive to be happy and enjoy life's journey. That's something my mother taught me.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Week 18
Week 18.
Have a great week!!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Darn You To Heck Mr. PF Chang!!
Oh well, instead of beating myself up - I'm gonna just say I enjoyed my week and try again!!
Have a Great Week Ladies!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
16 Weeks And Counting Down
I wonder if having one 'free day' per week is what is stalling my progress? I usually have Monday as my free day - so I weigh in and party the rest of the day. Whether I lose or gain. I'm going to skip the free day this week and see what happens?? Maybe I gain 3 pounds that one day and take the rest of the week to lose it?!?!?! Insane.
One more pound and I'll hit the 20 pound mark... finally!!!!
Have a great week!!
Week 16 - I think?
Monday, April 16, 2012
15 Weeks is a LONG time!
It was fun to get together for Sunday dinner yesterday - I am sad that I haven't been doing it this year. I think I was a little overwhelmed with "what can I feed people on this diet"? I am realizing that I can make changes and still be the same. That sounds like it doesn't make sense, but I think for those of you who are "changing" recognize the truth behind that statement. I'm going to try to do Sunday dinners again. I think our mom wants me to.
Good luck this week!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Week 14
1) They changed our work times. We can no longer do 8-hour shifts (my favorite), and we all have to work 5am to 5pm. This means I get up at 3:45 in the morning. I try to go to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 pm, but I am having a hard time falling asleep. Even when I do, I wake up a few hours later because I think my body thinks it was just a nap. It has left me tired and mean, and is making my metabolism confused. I don't know when to eat. I don't eat breakfast at 4 am, and then when I find a minute for it at work, it makes me not want to eat lunch. Then I get home and don't want to eat dinner, because I know I'll be in bed very soon. My girls tell me skipping meals puts your body on starvation alert and it stores calories. I don't know. I'm messed up. I'll figure things out.
2) I just started on a medication for my skin that is actually a diuretic. I've taken it before and always when I start on it, it makes me retain water for a week or so before it starts with the diuretic properties. So that I just have to be patient with.
3) I'm exercising more, but it is causing me lots of discomfort. Maybe I'm not quite as recovered surgical-wise as I thought. I get a little tentative because I don't want to mess things up. (Bad grammar on that last sentence!) For this concern, I think I need to be more brave.
I'm proud of all the good things everyone is doing. I just have to believe good things lie ahead. I didn't even pig out on Easter, so I'll congratulate myself on that!
Monday, April 9, 2012
FiNaLlY!! (AKA: Week 14)
For the past 5 or so weeks I have been the girl who weighs herself EVERY MORNING - it sucks!! This week, I did NOT weigh myself every day. I didn't prior to that because it was fun to see those "big" numbers. But after a while, I began to expect weight loss EVERY day. Then the self loathing came with it. If I was up a pound or 2 - I would beat myself up for the rest of the day. "Tina, you fat lard!" And suppose I was down a pound or so - I would treat myself to something nice... i.e. REAL (not baked or rice) potato chips, or a chocolate chip cookie, or an extra slice of naughty pizza heavy with cheese and pepperoni. It's a vicious cycle. I really don't want to be one of 'those' people who weigh themselves constantly... what a HORRIBLE way to start EVERY day!! I need to be grateful every day for a body that moves, breaths, smiles, laughs, cries (occasionally), processes food efficiently and houses my spirit - it may not be perfect - but it's good enough for me.
I hope you all are seeing good changes!! Here's to another good week!!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Week 13
I've just been watching General Conference and am realizing that my inside needs as much or more work as my outside. Sometimes chastisement comes so clearly and so kindly, that you don't even mind being laid low. Oh, boy. Lots to think about!
Monday, March 26, 2012
I Hated March.
I am guessing it's because of my lack of self control as far as eating. I go workout and tell myself I "deserve" that extra helping of _______________, or that I "deserve" a treat of some kind. I guess it's back to tracking... writing down every morsel that I put in my mouth.
We are half way done and I am not half way to my goal. Does anyone have a tapeworm I can borrow? I'll give it back. ;)
I hope I hit the 20 pound mark soon - maybe this last week of March will be good to me!!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Week 12
Monday, March 19, 2012
I Think This Is Eleven Weeks In??
I'm down 1.2 pounds. So, I lost the 2 pounds I gained 2 weeks ago. It's amazing to me that it piles on so quickly (even with working out) and it is so dang hard to lose!!!
I just want to say... and this may be a little too much info for some of you, so I apologize... but two things happen when I "diet".
#1 - My hair gets all dry and brittle. It's gross. It's because I don't eat enough delicious fats to lube it up. I think. So, I get a little coconut oil and gloss it up on the ends. It helps, some. If any of you see me and my hair looks fried OR greasy - please tell me!!
#2 - My digestive system gets all backed up. Even more gross than dry hairs. Seriously - I was at the point of using my 'post-baby stool softeners' to get things going. :) (See, a lot of info. Sorry. I'm not done.) I bought some Benefiber pills... not a lot of help. I was miserable. I felt like a lumpy turd. (A PETRIFIED-HARD lumpy turd.) Someone told me about Probiotics (you know the stuff in the green yogurt Jamie Lee Curtis talks about on TV... I can't remember the name of it. And because I got 2 hours of sleep last night, I don't have the energy to really think hard about it nor look it up) but I found it in pill form because I didn't want to waste my points (calories) on a yogurt I may or may not enjoy?? Halla-freakin-luia!!! It works.
So there ya have it. A successful week, a couple of tips and too much information from Sheral.
Have a great week ladies!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Major Plateau
I really liked that blog that Tori sent. That woman is adorable and so positive. It made me want to sit down and make a list of the top ten reasons I feel good about what I've done so far. Then I need to make a list of ten things I'd like to do when I lose the rest of this weight. Maybe I'll post them when I get them done.
I am determined that this week be better. I mean, seriously, come on!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Food and wisdom. Or a lack thereof.
p.s. What month do we finish this?
Friday, March 16, 2012
Also, I have to say that you weight loss ladies are looking great these days! Mom, you looked so fantastic when I saw you last month. And Sheral, your Facebook pictures are looking quite svelt these days. :) (Bev, I haven't seen you in a while, but I am sure you look great, too!)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Week 10
Ten Weeks In.
I am down 1.5 pounds. Still up .7 from 2 weeks ago.
Not much else to report. I have lots of excuses... none of them are valid.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I'm alive!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Worst Week Ever...
I'm up 2 pounds - 2.2 pounds to be exact.
I'd like to say that I feel bad about it, but I don't. I totally enjoyed food this week. Good food - meaning: Cheater Butt food. Doritos, breads and cupcakes.
My goal for this week is to lose those 2.2 pounds plus 2 more. It will take all my strength to resist those tasty snacks!! I'm also going to try to sweat more at the gym. I've stopped pushing myself. I guess I can't do that yet!
Here's to a better week!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Not sure what week this is, but . . . . .
numero uno
Monday, February 27, 2012
Eight Weeks In
I think I lost this week because I may or may not have broken my nose and it kind of hurt for a few days to eat anything. It's better now - I can chew and not feel it in my nose. :)
So it's been 2 months of our 6 month journey... it feels like forever, and we still have 4 more months. I wonder if I'll get to the end of this contest and be content with where I am. I wonder if I'll go back to old habits and load it all back on. Or if wherever I am is where I will want to stay forever? I don't know. I guess we shall see.
2 month totals:
I am down 17 pounds.
Which is 8.8 percent of weight loss. (My goal is 22%)
We haven't heard from some of you in a while... hope you're doing great and getting amazing results!!
Here's to another week - CHEERS!! (Toasting with my Crystal Light.)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
I didn't lose anything this week. Quite frankly, I was terrified to weigh-in this morning. This past week I haven't followed any of my regular strategies. I ate after 6 p.m. and I definitely did not go sugar free. It was a week filled with gorgeous and generous gifts of food to be shared with family members as we reminisced. It was definitely a week of emotional eating and seeking comfort through food. It could be worse. I could have gained this week - easily. So I'll be content with not losing and try to get back on track. And I am thankful for all the kind words and acts to our family this week. It has been a tender time and you have all been so wonderful!
Congratulations to all you good losers last week. You are awesome!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
One is the loneliest number!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Seven Weeks In
I'm down to the chlomid weight I've been dreading. It's going to be a long, hard battle - which is freaking me out. It has already been a LONG and HARD battle to get rid of the "fluff" weight.
Oh well.
Have a great week ladies!
Love ya!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I lost 1.5 pounds this week.
I have sad news. My sweet father-in-law passed away yesterday afternoon. I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate venue for sharing this news, but I know that if I get the word out to you girls, you'll be kind enough to remember Todd's family in your prayers. His mom is having an especially hard time. All day at the hospital yesterday, she just kept saying, "This can't be happening." "This is a nightmare." "What will I do without him." It was heartbreaking. She was 18 when they married and they were married for 60 years. He was a generous, hardworking, family-loving man, who loved and accepted me as his own from the moment I entered the family, and I will miss him.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Six Weeks In
I'm down .(point)2. Barely.
I'm going to blame that I haven't tracked my food in weeks - I guess I'm not past that point. In about 2 pounds it's going to be digging into the 'Chlomid' weight. That is going to be tough to lose - it's been with me for almost 15 years. We're friends. We have a love/hate relationship. I'm scared to try to lose it because I think they'll win - they always have.
My goal this week is to lose 3 full pounds - even though it's Valentines tomorrow and Joel and I have a hot date to India Palace. I'm going to eat some serious fruits and vegetables - continue to work my butt off at the gym - and try really hard not to take naps every stinking day.
Have a great week ladies!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Week 6
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I Hope This Isn't Sacrilegious.
Back Story: I have had a "poor me" attitude almost this entire 5 weeks. I feel like my body hates me - that it's still revolting against me for the past 20 years of mistreatment and abuse. I dread walking in the gym... every. day. I want to choke the skinny ho's wearing too tight booty shorts with full hair and make-up hanging on married men and the 'Roid-Heads' that check themselves out their entire work out while hanging on to married women. That's not everyone - but, there are a lot! But, I go anyway. I have refused to admit that this "program" has made me feel better. Most days I just want to sleep the afternoon away because I am so exhausted - and I don't want to cook anything because I can't eat and enjoy it. It has just been easier for me to have a piss poor attitude - and be angry. Well, that has changed today.
I play volleyball weekly in the winter. Nothing pro. It's City Recreation League. I was also asked to play out in Payson once a week - City Rec. We typically play 2 teams per night - best 2 out of 3 games. So we could play as few as 4 or as many as 6 "games". I still serve over-hand (maybe a LITTLE competitive) and usually I will tear something in my shoulder half way through the game - like maybe rotator-cuff?? Then I will be physically SPENT by game 3. We played tonight out in Payson and it's tournament time. Our first match was at 6 p.m. - we played 3 games and lost to that team. Our second match was at 6:45 p.m. - we played 3 games and won. Then we had to play the first team again (double elimination) for 3 and 4 place - that match started at 7:30 p.m. Oh, did I mention that the last two matches we only had 4 players and one had a pulled calf muscle and couldn't move!! I played HARD!! For 2 hours and 15 minutes straight. I felt GREAT! I served so hard, so much - and my SHOULDER felt great!! There is a lot of court to cover and we were running the entire time... I loved it. I felt good. I almost got a little emotional on the drive home because my body is changing. It doesn't hate or resent me for feeding it crap and drinking enough soda to kill a small elephant. She's coming around. :)
I am actually looking forward to going to the gym in the morning!! I can't wait to strengthen and stretch the muscles that are miraculously still there!! It IS a miracle!!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Oh, hey, just so ya know
I hope you girls have a fabulous day!
Five Weeks In...
It's been "one of those weeks". Paige's Birthday was Saturday and I completely enjoyed a giant piece of cake AND some ice cream. (As well as eat KFC - the grilled kind, but I know it's almost as greasy.) Yesterday for the Super Bowl - I made some Cafe Rio knock offs for dinner/treats and Bailey made cookies - I had zero self control. (I don't know how Bev does it!! (: ) Joel kept telling me not to expect a lot of weight loss this week because we have been lifting pretty hard and while I "would lose fat, I would gain muscle mass", which apparently will help my metabolism and weight loss "in the future". (I really don't understand all of this... I only know simple math as far as weight loss is concerned... less calories in and more calories burned.)
So... I am down one exact pound!! Woo Hoo!! I am hoping I don't get comfortable with cheating and eating treats, expecting weight loss!!
Here's a shocker: I have been to the gym SIX DAYS PER WEEK (minus the first Saturday) for FIVE WEEKS! I am there at least an hour. I still dread walking in that door - every day. But, you know... it's what I have to do!!
Have a great week ladies!!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Bev's Update
Monday, January 30, 2012
Four Weeks In
Down 10.2 pounds and 5.27%.
Why is it so dang easy to get discouraged?? Why do I want HUGE results, NOW?? When will it be easy?? I don't know if it ever will. If it were easy - EVERYONE would be thin and healthy - all the time.
Joel had me read the First Presidency message for January (because our home teachers couldn't make it this month and) because he thought it was a great message. It really is. You should read it. It's called Living the Abundant Life by President Monson. He is encouraging us to live an abundant life - a life filled with an abundance of success, goodness and blessings. Then he gives us 3 ways to attain this Abundant Life. The first being 'attitude' - "We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude." The second is 'believe in yourself' - "You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith." And the third is 'courage' - "Have the determination to make the effort, the single-mindedness to work toward a worthy goal, and the courage not only to face the challenges that inevitably come but also to make a second effort, should such be required. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”"
I think this advice can help us all on this journey - because it is hard. But, I'm counting on it being worth it!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Lynette - Week 4
We had a baby in trouble yesterday at work and I had to run down a long hallway. (The baby was absolutely fine, by the way. Just a worried first-time mom.) It was the first time I've really run or moved fast for months. And I felt it. This getting in shape is going to be a long road for me, but you are all inspiring me with your gym visits and yoga and zumba and running. Thanks! Have a great week!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Confession #2
As far as exercise goes, this week was not as good as last week. On the positive side of things, Brittany and I started our zumba class on Tuesday and it was so fun and so hard! By the end of the hour I could barely lift my feet, I had a painful stitch in my side, I was breathing like a wounded rhinoceros, and sweating like it was my job BUT I was still having fun! Other than that, though, I walked/ran only once and I did yoga maybe two times? I'm not really sure. This week has been weird.
Confession time: I had a really rough time yesterday. I just kept looking in the mirror and getting so discouraged with what I saw. I was annoyed with myself for not working harder this past week and frustrated because sometimes it feels pointless to even try. But I weighed myself this morning and I lost ONE AND A HALF pounds. Such a positive change is encouraging. It reminded me that I'm on a long road but if I just put one foot in front of the other, take down one pound at a time, I can someday get to the end of it. So my goal for next week is to exercise more consistently and keep working on eating better, but I also want to come up with something to help me visualize what's at the end of the road. Time to make a vision board? Yup.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Fast and easy lunch or dinner!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Two reasons for not posting-no dieting, minimal exercise and inability to navigate through this blog. Ugh. I went to Smith's today for low carb yogurt, string cheese and cranberry juice-boring. Of course everyone there knew I had just got done working out because I was wearing my black stretchy pants (not just for fun), NB shoes, thin fashionable headband, sweatshirt tied around my waist and my cheeks were still flushed with color. It felt good:)
I haven't lost a pound, and I'm avoiding a needed doctor's appointment because I don't want to weigh in. Last time I went to the doctor I told her I was concerned about my weight gain, and we talked about age, exercise, diet etc and then it slipped out that I was drinking at least 64 oz of Pepsi a day. She had to control herself not to laugh out loud and she said at that rate you'll continue to gain 1 pound a week. Dam (if I spell it that way it's okay). I've got to lose a few pounds before I go back.
Congratulations to all of you for sticking to it. Even though we're maybe ornery is anyone feeling better? Thanks for the recipes and fun. I might try the enchilada soup tonight.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Three Weeks In.
I'm down a pound.
Whoopie! (Totally sarcastic.)
The only thing keeping me from downing a giant bag of Cheetos is I read somewhere, probably somewhere inspiring - Like Pinterest, that "It takes 4 weeks for your body to change. It takes 8 weeks for you, yourself to see change. And, it takes 12 weeks for everyone else to see it."
Here's to another ornery week of change.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Lasagna Soup...to go with the snow
The best part about this soup is that it is easy, fast, and pretty cheap to make. You can find the whole recipe with pictures here, or below:
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 pound Italian turkey sausage, casings removed
1 onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 (32-ounce) container chicken broth
1 (15-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 (14 1/2-ounce) can petite diced tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
4 ounces broken whole-wheat lasagna noodles (about 4 noodles)
1/2 cup chopped fresh basil
3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
1/2 cup reduced-fat shredded mozzarella cheese
8 Whole-wheat breadsticks or grissini (optional)
Add the broth, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, salt, and crushed red pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the flavors are blended, about 20 minutes. Add the noodles; bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the soup thickens slightly and the noodles are tender, 10 – 12 minutes. Remove from the heat; stir in mozzarella, basil, and the Parmesan. Serve with the breadsticks, if using. (whole-wheat lasagna noodles take a little longer to cook.)
I'm down 2 pounds this week. I'm returning to work tomorrow, so I'm hoping that makes me a little more active and a lot more productive in dropping some pounds. But I learned from the article Cherish sent that it's okay that I've only worked on changing my diet so far. It's best to break habits one at a time. So, thank you, Cherish.
Also, in Relief Society today I figured out my body mass index (bmi), and guess what? I'm obese. I already knew that. But it still wasn't very fun. And then I decided to remind myself that I'm ten pounds less obese than I was three weeks ago. See, I'm really trying to look on the bright side.
Wish me luck tomorrow. I've been off work longer than I had planned. I'm sure all my passwords have expired -- even if I could remember what they were. And I wonder if I remember how to do anything. I hope all the patients behave themselves while I get my feet underneath me again!
Good luck this week!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Confession #1
So here's the good news: I've been slowing wading into the pool of better health and fitness and my main goal this week was to get more active. And I did! I've walked at least thirty minutes every day (except Monday) and I started doing yoga. It's a baby step, but it's in the right direction.
My goal next week is to focus on a healthier diet. This week has pretty much been the same old same old with regards to my food habits and this is where my first confession comes in: I actually just finished eating a sadly large bowl of ice cream. I am ashamed.
As for my weekly weigh-in, I weigh EXACTLY what I weighed last week. Not good, but not bad. Hopefully next week, with part 2 of my health and fitness plan in action, we'll see some positive change.
I really appreciate your support and helpful ideas. You guys are all doing so great and you make me want to do better! Thanks, girls!
Sheral's Treat Of The Week
My personal favorite is Reese's Puffs. They're the BOMB!! I haven't purchased any since starting my change (I hate the word diet.) because I don't really think I could resist... and I don't want to know the points!!
While shopping at Wal-Mart this week there was a display of Multi Grain Cheerios. I really like Cheerios, like a lot. I saw a new flavor - PEANUT BUTTER!! I read through the Nutrition Facts and decided I'd get some and PRAY they were low enough points and taste great. (I can guess points pretty close - but, I need to figure it out with my calculator.) I ate them for breakfast the very next day! And, they are a very close match of my first love - Reese's! You can get more of the nutritional information here.
But, for any of you doing Weight Watchers - one serving is only 3 points. If you are doing the Points Plus (the new way) one serving is only 2 points! (And that includes the skim milk.) Totally worth it... totally delicious!! You should go get some today!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Breaking Bad Habits
1. One habit at a time - I sure wish I would have known this in the beginning, because I wouldn't have stopped drinking soda AND go to the gym daily AND start Weight Watchers from the beginning. I could have enjoyed 2 of those for another month and 1 of those for another TWO months! (I would have done the Weight Watchers last - but I think that's what is going to give me the most results. If I could just stick with it!!)
2. "Everyone I know has a big "but"." ( - Pee Wee Herman) We are really so very hard on ourselves. It's hard NOT to be. We see everyone at their best. People talk about their accomplishments. So we internalize 'they're better' and 'I suck because I can't do ________ like ___________'. I'm not sure why we do, maybe it's just human nature. We need to tell ourselves "I can't do 5 freaking push ups BUT - I can walk for miles and miles." or something to that affect - effect?? Whatever. You get the point.
3. Write it down - declare it and make it public. (That is what we are doing on this here blog!!) Yay - we're on the right track.
There are a lot more tidbits of good info - Check it out! Thanks Cherish!
I think we're pretty awesome. While at the gym there was a set of twins who each had lost about 80 pounds and went on Racheal Ray for a makeover. They looked great! Great inspiration for my mediocre workout!! And seriously - that dude that bailed on "The Biggest Loser" - you know the one, on NBC - I cannot believe it! What a wiener! How many people didn't make it because of him and he quits! Crazy!!
Hope you're all having a great week!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Baby Steps
Just thought I'd pop in to give a little status update on what I've been doing to keep fit thus far.
I haven't done much, I'll be honest. :/ I feel totally ashamed after reading all of your guys' posts! You all are awesome. I haven't gone to the gym or been out for a run in 2012, yet. Yikes. I haven't lost any more weight. Double yikes. But instead of getting discouraged, I'm trying to keep positive about it all. Rome wasn't built in a day, right? I think that's what I've tried to keep in mind most while on my quest to get fit--I'm going to slip up! I'm not going to be perfect! But i AM going to keep trying. Just because I had a couple cookies during the day doesn't mean I'm going to eat an entire pizza later that night. I just have to keep trying.
So! With that in mind, I thought I'd highlight a couple good things from my week:
1. I went to Red Robin for my mother-in-law's birthday and I ordered a Veggie Burger with a side of steamed broccoli even though I reeeeeeally wanted those fries.
2. Launa and I are signed up for a Zumba class every Tuesday for the next little bit. I'm excited!
Hopefully next week will be better. Keep up the awesome work everyone!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Two Weeks In.
I lost .2 - and there was much rejoicing. (Yea.)
People (Joel) told me not to expect a big loss coming off of last weeks loss - you know, building muscle and stuff.
I'm going to blame it on something else... but it's probably more information than anyone wants. So, I'll write it in my journal and let it go. (PLEASE let me let it go!)
Here's to next week! Cheers!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Recipe: Spaghetti Squash with Spinach, Basil, and Feta
I Think I Can
Birthday Cake!
So, yesterday it was the best mama in the world's birthday - MINE! She is so wonderful and she does so much for me, so I really wanted to surprise her with something she would love. Well, my mom was pretty insistent about me not getting her anything, because I'm a poor college student, but when I found this recipe on Pinterest, I knew I had to surprise her! And the best part is, even though it is sugar-free, gluten-free, and flour-free, it was TOTALLY affordable and didn't have any crazy ingredients.
The recipe blog is copyrighted, so I can't post any of her pictures - they're obviously prettier, but you can see the recipe and her pictures HERE: http://www.healthyindulgences.net/2009/05/healthy-chocolate-cake-with-secret.html
Lynette - Week 2
I am really proud of everyone and their efforts to get healthy!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Bev's Update
We have two birthday's in the family this coming week, and you all know what that means - - Another reason to eat what isn't good for us! Why does every social gathering involve food? I did buy a huge quantity of fresh and frozen veggies today, as well as fruit. Maybe that will make up for the cake and ice cream!
You are all so impressive, keep up the good work! I can't wait til I can actually have a good work out!
Happy Birthday Lynette!!!
Some of my favorite things about Lynette:
She was the most excited of all my siblings when I was born.
She was a fun big sister - always. She'd let me listen to her Bee Gee's and Commodores Records.
She'd let me try on her dance formals/dresses and cheerleading/dancing outfits.
She is smart.
She is beautiful.
She is a wonderful wife and mother.
She is a great example of hard work and perseverance. I was so proud of her going back to school and getting a nursing degree with 3 little ones at home - I think that's a hard thing to do!
She is funny.
She's a GREAT cook!
She plays a mean game of Pounce - when her tennis elbow doesn't get in the way.
She's a wealth of medical information - I call her first in most situations.
There are plenty more - but I'm heading out to the gym (I think this is going to be a bad week! :( ) and because I'm being totally selfish these days... that's what it comes to!!
I love you, Lynette!!! I am proud to be your sister!!
I hope you have a great birthday!!!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Shin splints.
Launa, Checking In!
Ideally, in this six month challenge, I’d like to lose about 25% of my current body weight. I recognize the loftiness of this goal so my main goal is simply to lay the foundation for a healthier life. I’ve been overweight my entire life and, in recent years, my weight has gotten out of control. Weight problems run rampant in my family and so do the health problems that result from being overweight. So I need to fix this problem! I love food and my favorite things to do are read and watch TV/movies. I don’t like to exercise and diets make me super cranky. But I want to change. I want to feel good about myself and worry less about whether my fat rolls are showing. Also, lifelong goal of mine, I want to be able to cross my legs. Whaaaa??!! Yeah, that’s right. I have never—in my entire life—been able to cross my legs. That’s why I sit like a dude. All the time.
I think I want what everyone wants: to be fit, healthy, happy, and confident. I’m not really sure how I’m going to proceed yet. I know I need to seriously up my activity level. I’d like to start doing yoga and running. I’ve gotta start somewhere! As for diet, I’m going to start by watching my caloric intake better, eating smaller portions, and making healthier choices.
Pretty much I’m just going to need a lot of support and a lot of help. I’m kind of helpless. But I have a desire to be better, I just need to develop the discipline, strategies, and habits to succeed. So, Happy New Year and good luck to all of us!
P.S. I’m late to the party and I haven’t really started doing anything yet, but I weighed myself today and I weigh less the last time I weighed myself! Maybe this is a good omen for the challenge? At any rate, it makes me excited to actually get started!
Also, here's a picture to remind you guys who I am and where I'm starting. Yikes. But awesome jammies, right?